- Micro Enterprise Development Programme (MEDP) on Paper and Cloth Bag Making for Women
The Objective of the MEDP Programme is to enhance the capacities of the SHG Members through appropriate skill upgradation in livelihood activities to enable them to set up and run a successful enterprise for income generation and livelihood.

2. MEDP – Success Story
The participants of NABARD MEDP Training on “Paper and Cloth Bag Making for Women”, started a new cloth bag making unit at Bharathinagar, Newhope Post, Ovalley, The Nilgiris on 10.07.2023. The unit is functioning at Bharathinagar under the leadership of Mrs. Hemalatha and Mrs. Indumathi the president and secretary of the Gayalika SHG under Nilgiris Development Society (NDS) Bharathinagar Unit.

As part of the NABARD CAT Program, 25 farmers from Gudalur has completed the 3 days intensive training on scientific Avocado farming. The above said program was conducted at Central Horticulture Research Station Chettalli , Kodagu from 10.07.2022 to 14.07.2022. And a follow up soil test practical session was conducted at RARS (Regional Agriculture Research Station) Ambalavayal 29.07.2022.

4. NABARD – LEDP (Livelihood Enterprise and Development Programme) is a skill training programme for women that helps to engage women in economic activity which inturn can create jobs and wealth and would contribute to improve the position and condition of women in the society.
The skill upgradation training is provided in 5 batches of 30 members and covers Agri & allied activities as well as rural off-farm sector activities. In this programme there is provision for intensive training for skill building, refresher training, backward and forward linkage, handholding and escort supports. It also encompasses the complete value chain and offers end to end solution to the SHG members. With the grant assistance of NABARD, Nilgiris Development Society (NDS) has implemented Livelihood and Enterprise Development Program (LEDP) on “Goat Rearing” in Gudalur and Pandalur taluks in Nilgiris district.

Exposure Visit

Sample Units

NABARD CGM Shri. R. Anand Visites the LEDP Project Beneficiaries at Vettuvady, Erumad, Kayyunni Unit with NABARD DDM Shri Thirumala Rao, NDS Staff Mr. Jude Martin and Kayyunni Unit President Shri Shaji K M

4. NABARD – Skill Development Programme (SDP) on “Home Health Aide” is a Skill Development Programme (SDP) implementing by NDS with the grant assistance of NABARD for women, that helps to engage women in social and economic activity which inturn can create jobs and wealth and would contribute to improve the position and condition of women in the society.
The SDP on “Home Health Aide” which is basically a training programme for 67 days, for 1 batch of 30 rural women, who are economically weak and poor. After completing the training programme NDS will give them assistance to get placement in different places in Tamilnadu and Kerala.

5. NABARD – Joint Liability Group (JLG) Formation :NABARD introduced the concept of Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) as a way to enhance credit flow to small and marginal farmers, tenant farmers, and other rural non-farm activities. The JLG model helps farmers and other borrowers who lack formal credit history or collateral to access financial services. Nilgiris Development Society is taking initiative for the formation of JLG’s in Kayyunni, Vimalagiri, Bospara, Dharmagiri, Kalpra areas in association with Nationalized banks in these areas.